It was so scary when I'm expressing my milk today..
suddenly I get this....
sgt terkejut..
blood coming out from my left boop..
At first, I thought I was reflection from my baju kurung.. (that day, coincidently I'm wearing red baju kurung..) then I realize It was not.. Its totally blood.. Checking here and there.. no cut or whatever.. so I'm assuming it probably from internal..
Then I stopped for a while.. change to new bottle.. luckyly no more blood coming out.. Alhamdulillah.. if not.. tak pasal hakimi jadik raja bersiung.. huhu..
Aku jumpe kengkawan lama kat MV.. Including me.. 4 org sumenye.. lama betul tak jumpe diorg.. last masa aku amik SPM.. huh.. almost 12 years.. suma ni geng se'dorm'.. Dorm suria.. tak sangka la.. ingatkan jumpe ngan si Cobain ni jek.. bila Eroy tak jadik jumpe.. rupa2nye ada lagik kawan aku yg join..

me n cobain aka cikgu liza

Lynn a.k.a Toyos..
nanti bila aku pindah puncak alam dekat la ngan umah n klinik ko..

lepas ni boleh la aku calling2 ko ajak lepak makan sate
kat medan selera cross jalan dr umah ko tu ye..
kitorg lepaking kat Kenny Rogers dr pukul 12 sampai la pukul 4++.. Dr takde org kat KR pastu penuh org dth lunch.. sampai la xde org.. means org dah balik.. Kuar dr KR aku call mak.. sbb diorg on the way nak dtg umah.. bila still kat Kulai lagik.. apalagi... kitorg sambung lepak kat Starbuck.. balik pukul 6.. lama betul sembang2.. iye la 12 tahun tak jumpe.. byk benda nak cerita.. tambah pulak tanye itu ini.. cerita.. gelak2.. cerita ceriti.. gelak2 lagik.. tanye pasal org itu la.. org ini la..
pergghh.. balik... jalan jem gile sbb hujan.. tp aku rasa best n happy sbb dpt jumpe korg.. hehe.. nak jumpa lagik...
Tajuk... mmg tak hengatt..
Kaki apa yang patah??? kaki cermin mata.. actually spec ni dah dikepakkan oleh si kecik tu semalamnya.. tp aku masih pakai walaupun dah tau spec tu dah nyawa2 ikan.. huhu.. ingatkan nak buat spec baru esoknya.. so pagi tu pegi keje.. masa check mata.. (check power mata sendirik okey.. sbb takde sape sudi nak check mata aku..) masa nak pakai balik temple (kaki) yg dah hampir terkulai tu patah.. errmmm.. macam dah tau2 je aku nak buat baru..

Tengahri tu pegi Subang Perade.. hantar Frame kat kedai kawan.. sebelum ni aku pakai half frame.. hari tu amik rimless.. En. Hubby sebenarnya macam tak setuju je bila aku kata aku pilih rimless... sbb lagik senang nak patah.. hehe.. atas sebab itu aku pilih untuk gandingkan dengan cermin airwear.. which is the polycarbonate lenses and the most important things is.. it is unbreakable.. huhu.. mak suker... nanti si kecik nak campak spek mama.. mama tak kesah.. sbb tak pecah...
so skrg ni aku fully wearing contact lenses. Spec dah buat sejak last week tp tak siap2 lagik.. masa kat subang perade tu kawan bagi free CL.. bagi O2 Optik lagik... mak lagik la suker.. sbb ni extended wear contact lens.. pastu moisture lock dia sgt2 bagus.. tak kering pun.. ni yg buat aku nak fully pakai CL ni.. hehehe..
ni la si kecik yg ala2 monster yg dah kepak spek aku.. haipp... biase dia tuh...

*Hari ni mak nak berjinggo ngan kawan kat MV... hehehe... suka la tu..
A few days last week.. sharp at 5pm my car have rolled out from office.. reach at home at 5.30pm.. huhu.. 30 mins already arrived.. rest for a while... take a bath..
Ask bibik to take the kiddos inside the room and only came out after we already out from house..
huhu.. ini kes tamau Zahirul melalak nak ikut.. sian kena tinggal..
I went here with Mr. Hubby..
GSC.. fuuuhhh.. lama betul tak datang sini.. I think the last time I went here was during my first pregnancy.. now.. I've already have 2 lil boy... huurrrmm.. quite long time.. At that time I was like craving to watch movie.. at least once a week I'll be here.. hubby said that it was pembawakkan budak.. tahhapehapekan...
people queuing to buy ticket.. masa aku line sgt la panjang.. sampai ke pintu McD.. but lucky all counters was open.. manage to get ticket after 15 minutes.. okey la... perut masa tu pun dah keroncong..

the face that couldn't wait to watch muvie.. hahaha.. makan pun tak lalu.. iye ker???

Angles & Demons
Sequel from De Vincci Code.. Since I knew this film will be showed, I've started to 'berangan2' to watch it.. huhu.. kes meroyan lama tak tgk muvie.. ekekeke..
put aside about the religious matter inside this film.. about the matter of breaking the code and puzzle.. worth to watch.. and satisfiying.. couldn't forget the face of Tom Hank running here and there thinking which church that the demon will kill the kardinal... hehehe..
I gave 5 star to this film..
there is a few list of film to be watch.. ekekkeke.. (kalo ada masa la... and thanks to bibik for handling my kiddos while me n hubby was going for dating... hehehe..)
nak lagik.. nak lagik.. nak dating sambil tengok muvie lagik...